Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
12th Lok Sabha
Father's Name Late Shri Shivalal Sonkar `Netaji'
Date of Birth 24 September 1959
Place of Birth Chandpur, Distt. Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
Marital Status Married on 22 February 1989
Spouse's Name Smt. Suman Bizay Shastri
Children Two sons
Educational Qualifications
M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Shastri, Bule-print Reading Course
Educated at Banaras Hindu University, Sampurnanand Sanskrit
University and Department of Small Scale Industries,
Government of India, Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
Agriculturist, Economist, Writer
Permanent Address
Sonkar Nivas,
Chandpur, Industrial Estate,
(Uttar Pradesh)
Tels. (0542) 370200, 370180, 371818, 372752
Present Address
C2/32, Tilak Lane
New Delhi-110001
Tel. (011)3782733
Positions Held
1998 Elected to 12th Lok Sabha
1998-99 Member, Committee on Human Resource Development
and its Sub-committee on Preservation of Monuments
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of
Books Published
(i) An Evaluation of Organisational Structure; (ii) Impact
of Political News on Circulation of Newspapers;
(iii) Distribution System in Indian Film Industry;
(iv)Hindurashtra Ka Blue-print(in Hindi); and (v) Dalit
Hindu Ki Agni Pariksha(in Hindi)
Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments
Secretary (Literature), Sanskar Bharati, also worked in
different capacities; University Representative (as a
Journalist), Delhi Press; Sub-editor, Vandemataram (Weekly),
and written articles related to social and cultural fields
Social and Cultural Activities
Founder-President, Sri Mahavidya Yogapitham an organisation
for study of Vedas and Puranas, `Das Mahavidya' yoga, Aagam-
Nigam (Technique of puja-path);Ayurveda; Music (classical);
Associated with Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Vidyarthi
Parishad; and Assistant Secretary, Pradesh Goraksha and
Samvardhan Samiti
Special Interests
Promoting Indian Culture for world peace
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Reading, writing, social work, meeting villagers and
Sports and Clubs
Formed Indian traditional games organisation - All India
Niyudda Sports Association
Countries Visited
France, Germany, Nepal and U.S.S.R.; (as a delegate of Sri
Mahavidya Yogapitham and Vishwa Hindu Parishad)
Election Result of
Saidpur-SC Lok Sabha Constituency
Total electorate 12,95,978
Total votes polled 7,06,436
Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates
(1) Dr. Bizay Sonkar Shastri (B.J.P.) 2,31,407
(2) Shri Toofani (S.P.) 2,30,582
(3) Shri Shiv Bodh Ram (B.S.P.) 1,96,276
(4) Shri Ramnath (I.N.C.) 20,882
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