Biographical Sketch
Father's Name Late Shri Dipchon Ch. Marak Date of Birth 1 September 1947 Place of Birth Vill. Chapahati,Distt. West Garo Hills (Meghalaya) Marital Status Married on 6 June 1973 Spouse's Name Smt. Soradini K. Sangma Children Two sons and two daughters Educational Qualifications B.A. (Hons.), M.A., LL.B. Educated at St. Anthony's College, Shillong; and Dibrugarh University (Assam) Profession Lecturer, Lawyer and Journalist Permanent Address Hawakhana Nehru Ading, P.O. Tura, Distt. West Garo Hills (Meghalaya) Tel. (03651) 42825 Present Address 34, Aurangzeb road, New Delhi-110011 Tels. (011) 3016212, 3017785 Positions Held 1973-76Vice-President, Pradesh Youth Congress, Meghalaya 1974-75General-Secretary, Pradesh Youth Congress, Meghalaya 1975-80General-Secretary, Pradesh Congreess Committee (Indira) [P.C.C.(I)], Meghalaya 1977Elected to 6th Lok Sabha 1980Re-elected to 7th Lok Sabha (2nd term) Joint Secretary, All India Congress Committee (Indira) [A.I.C.C.(I)] 1980-82Union Deputy Minister, Industry 1982-84Union Deputy Minister, Commerce 1984Re-elected to 8th Lok Sabha (3rd term) Nov.-Dec. 1984Union Deputy Minister, Commerce Jan.-March 1985Union Minister of State, Commerce and Supply March-Sept.1985Union Minister of State, Commerce 1985-86Union Minister of State, IndiaPress Affairs 1986-88Union Minister of State, Labour (Independent Charge) 1988-91Member, Meghalaya Legislative Assembly 1988-90Chief Minister, Meghalaya 1990-91Leader of the Opposition, Meghalaya Legislative Assembly 1991Re-elected to 10th Lok Sabha (4th term) 1991-93Union Minister of State, Coal (Independent Charge) 1993-95Union Minister of State, Labour (Independent Charge) Feb.-Sept. 1995Union Cabinet Minister, Labour 1995-96Union Cabinet Minister, Information and Broadcasting 1996Re-elected to 11th Lok Sabha (5th term) 1996-98Speaker, Lok Sabha Chairman, (i) Business Advisory Committee;(ii) Rules Committee; (iii) General Purposes Committee; (iv) Standing Committee of the Conference Presiding Officers of the Legislative Bodies in India; and (v) Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies President, (i) Indian Parliamentary Group; (ii) National Group of Inter-Parliamentary Union; and (iii) India Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 1998Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (6th term) 1998-99Member, Committee on External Affairs and its Sub-Committee-I Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of External Affairs Books Published Edited the book entitled 'India in I.L.O.' (two volumes) Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments Editor, (i)Chandambeni Kalrang - a local daily Social and Cultural Activities Associated with various social organisations like the Red Cross Society and educational institutions; set up night school for the poor and the needy children in his constituency Special Interests Social service and tribal welfare Favourite Pastime and Recreation Reading, discussions and listening to Western and Indian music Sports and Clubs Indoor games Countries Visited Widely travelled; Leader, Indian Delegation to (i) UNIDO Conference, Khartoum, Sudan, 1981; (ii) ESCAP Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 1984; (ii) International Labour Conference organised by I.L.O. six times; and (iv) Conference of Asia Pacific Labour Ministers (CAPLM) at Tehran, Iran, 1993; Leader, Inter Parliamentary Delegation, to (i) 42nd CPA Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 1996; (ii) 96th IPU Conference, Beijing, China, 1996; and also led bilateral Parliamentary Delegations to Australia, Croatia, DPR Korea, Finland, Mongolia, Norway, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and U.K.; Leader, Indian Parliamentary Delegation to Bulgaria, Mongolia and Thailand, 1997 Other Information Taken several policy initiatives; as Union Industry Minister, enhanced the production capability of the Cement industry to the level of self sufficiency; Coal India Ltd.turned into a profit making enterprise during the tennure of Coal Minister; as Commerce Minister, introduced plantation crops like Tea, Rubber and Cashew of export importance in non-traditional areas of the North-Eastern India; as a Labour Minister initiated social security measures in the liberalisation phase of Indian economy, introduced pension scheme for 18 million industrial workers, rationalised wages and introduced employment injury compensation for unorganised labour sector; placed child labour elimination on high national agenda, worked for elimination of discrimination against women; as Information and Broadcasting Minister, worked for liberalised usage of airwaves and investments in the eletronic media; as Speaker, guided formation of a Standing Joint Parliamentary Committee on Empowerment of Women and constitution of a Joint Parliamentary Committee of considering 81st Constitutional Amendment which seeks to enhance the presence of women in Parliament; also created a group of Parliamentarians to report on Ethics and Standards in Public Life; Chairman, (i) Asia-Pacific Regional Group in the International Labour Conference, 1994-95; (ii) 5th Conference of Labour Ministers of Non-aligned and other Developing Countries, Delhi, 1995; (iii) Specialised Inter-Parliamentary Conference of the I.P.U. on Partnership between Men and Women in Politics, Delhi, 1997; conferred, (i) Michael John Roll of Honour of the Tata Workers' Union for distinguished contribution to the cause of labour and to the parliamentary system in 1997; (ii) Golden Jubilee Award of the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) for outstanding contribution to the cause of the working class by Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma the then President of India, 1997Total electorate 4,44,099 Total votes polled 3,35,094 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates (1) Shri Purno Agitok Sangma (I.N.C.) 2,19,720 (2) Shri Anilla D. Shira (B.J.P.) 42,061 (3) Shri Hasting Ch. Momin (U.D.P.) 40,073 (4) Shri William Cecil Marak (G.N.C.) 16,280
Election Result of Tura Lok Sabha Constituency