Biographical Sketch
SAMAJVADI PARTY - BARABANKI - SC (UTTAR PRADESH)Establishing educational institutions in rural areas and finding solution to agricultural, social and economic problems
Father's Name: Shri Bhabhuti Date of Birth: 13 July 1951 Place of Birth: Dhanauli Khas in Distt. Barabanki (Uttar Pradesh) Marital Status: Married on 16 June 1969 Spouse's Name: Smt. Shobhavati Children: Three sons Educational Qualifications :
Matriculation Profession :
Agriculturist, Teacher and Political Worker Permanent Address :
Vill. and P.O. Dhanauli Khas Distt. Barabanki (Uttar Pradesh) Positions Held :
1977-80 Member, J.P., Uttar Pradesh 1977-89 Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1979 Member, Joint Committee on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1980-89 Member, L.D., Uttar Pradesh 1986 & 1989 Member, Denotified Castes Committee, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1989 Elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth) 1990-91 Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Textiles 1991-96 Member, J.D. (S) 1991 Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth) 1996 Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) for the third time Social and Cultural Activities :
Special Interests :
Education, agricultural activities and social problems Election Result :
Barabanki -SC Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate 10,97,187 Total votes polled 5,07,199 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates: (1) Shri Ram Sagar (S.P.) 1,80,912 (2) Shri Kapil Dev Singh (B.J.P.) 1,66,190 (3) Shri Anand Prakash Gautam (B.S.P.) 86,001 (4) Shri Kamla Prasad [A.I.I.C. (T)] 30,575Our Other Sites