Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XI Lok Sabha


Father's Name: Late Shri Mallaiah Date of Birth: 5 October 1929 Place of Birth: Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) Marital Status: Married in 1944 Spouse's Name: Smt. Kalawati Children: Two sons and three daughters Educational Qualifications :
Matriculation (Privately) Profession :
Agriculturist, Political Worker and Trade Unionist Permanent Address :
3-6-22-23, Sarvasukhi Society, West Maradepalli, Secunderabad-500003 (Andhra Pradesh) Tel. (040) 7805596 Fax. (040) 813837 Positions Held :
1957-62 and 1978-84 Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1961-64 President, I.N.T.U.C., Andhra Pradesh 1967 Elected to Lok Sabha (Fourth) 1969-71 Member, Public Accounts Committee 1971 Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Fifth) Feb. 1973-Nov. 1973 Union Deputy Minister, Labour and Rehabilitation Nov. 1973-March 1977 Union Deputy Minister, Supply and Rehabilitation 1977 Elected to Lok Sabha (Sixth) for the third time 1978-82 Cabinet Minister, Labour and Civil Supply, Andhra Pradesh 1982-84 President, P.C.C.(I), Andhra Pradesh 1989 Elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth) for the fourth time 1990-91 Member, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Industry 1991 Elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth) for the fifth time 21 June 1991-17 Jan. 1993 Union Minister of State, Rural Development 18 Jan. 1993-8 Feb. 1995 Union Minister of State, Textiles (Independent Charge) 9 Feb. 1995-14 Sep. 1995 Union Cabinet Minister, Textiles 15 Sep. 1995-19 Feb. 1996 Union Cabinet Minister, Labour 20 Feb. 1996-15 May 1996 Union Minister, Labour and Textiles 1996 Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) for the sixth time Social and Cultural Activities :
Founded Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College and school for the poor and the downtrodden; General Secretary, National Huts Union, Hyderabad; obtained land (free of cost) for about 75,000 poor people
Special Interests :
Education, labour welfare, rural development, textiles, imports and exports
Sports and Clubs :
Associated with Secunderabad Club, Fateh Maidan Club and Race Club, Hyderabad; Member, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Countries Visited :
Widely travelled; Indian delegate to International Labour Organisation Conference, Geneva, 1958; Chairman, High Power Delegation to Friends of Soviet Union, 1980; Leader, Government Delegation to Japan
Other Information :
Joined the Cooperative Movement in 1952 and organised 50 labour cooperative societies in the country; participated in the Hyderabad liberation struggle; was instrumental in setting up public distribution system at village level in Andhra Pradesh
Election Result :
Peddapalli-SC Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate13,08,342 Total votes polled 7,21,246 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates : (1) Shri G. Venkatswamy (I.N.C.)3,13,498 (2) Shri Suddala Devaiah (T.D.P.)2,48,033 (3) Shri Mathangi Narsaiah [N.T.R.T.D.P. (LP)] 76,791 (4) Shri Jangam Laxminarayana (N.I.P.) 19,135  Our Other Sites