Biographical Sketch
REDDY, SMT MAGUNTA PARVATHI SUBBARAMMA I.N.C. - ONGOLE (ANDHRA PRADESH)Political and Social worker, Religious Missionary, Teacher and Educationist, Artist, Agriculturist and Farmer, Trader and Industrialist
Father's Name: Late Shri Bezawada Rama Reddy Date of Birth: 27 July 1947 Place of Birth: Vill. Buchi Reddy Palem in Distt. Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) Marital Status: Married on 19 December 1967 Spouse's Name: Late Shri Magunta Subbaramma Reddy Children: One son and one daughter Educational Qualifications :
Intermediate Educated at Kasturi Devi Girls School, Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) Profession :
Permanent Address :Involved in various programmes benefitting weaker sections of the society, viz. providing drinking water, medical attention for the destitutes, conducting marriages for young deserving poor women, etc.
Saraswathi Nagar, Nellore-524001 (Andhra Pradesh) Tels. (08592) 25228, 31924; Fax. 31387 Positions Held :
1996Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) Social and Cultural Activities :
Special Interests :Keenly interested in providing free drinking water to drought stricken areas in Ongole (Andhra Pradesh); also involved in running schools and colleges for the needy at a subsidised rate
Favourite Pastime and Recreation :Reading and writing Telugu poetry, social work and watching movies
Election Result :
Ongole Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate11,84,978 Total votes polled 7,65,308 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates: (1) Smt. Parvathi Magunta Subbaramma Reddy (I.N.C.)3,81,475 (2) Shri Rajmohan M. Reddy (T.D.P.)3,31,415 (3) Shri Gutta Venkata Subbaiah [N.T.R.T.D.P. (LP)] 13,621 (4) Shri A. Samuel George (B.J.P.) 6,469 Our Other Sites