Date of Birth 1st June, 1953
Place of Birth Puniavant in Distt. Baroda (Gujarat)
Marital Status Married on 1st June, 1974
Spouse's Name Smt. Manjulaben Naranbhai Rathva
Children One son and three daughters
Educational Qualifications B.A., M.S.W.
Educated at S.N. College, Chotta Udaipur, Distt. Baroda;
Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Profession Agriculturist and Social Worker
Permanent Address Narayankunj, Palace Road, P.O. Chhota Udaipur,
Distt. Baroda (Gujarat)
Present Address 14, South Avenue, New Delhi-110011. Tel. 3792659
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