Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha
Father's Name Shri Siddhanajappa
Date of Birth 26th June, 1931
Place of Birth Vill. Honsagere in Distt. Tumkur (Karnataka)
Marital Status Married on 20th June, 1960
Spouse's Name Smt. Jaideva Mak
Children One son and two daughters
Educational Qualifications B.Com., B.L., M.A., P.G. Dip. in Journalism
Educated at Mysore University, Mysore
Profession Advocate and Agriculturist
Permanent Address Gandhinagar, Tumkur (Karnataka). Tel. 8295
Present Address 1, Moti Lal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110011.
Tel. 3017375
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